Research Colleagues, 1951 to 1988

Research Supervisors and hosts for my Leaves of Absence

1951 to 1953: AERE Harwell
Kath Glover
photo: 2013

1956 to 1959: Cambridge
R.G.W. Norrish F.R.S.
Nobel Prize Winner

1959 - 1961: Princeton
Don Hornig
Science advisor to President Johnson

1964 (3 mo.): Cornell
Si Bauer

1968 (6 mo.), 1982 (1 mo.) Ottawa
Don Ramsay F.R.S.

1974 (6 mo.): Orsay
Sydney Leach
no photo

1983 (6 mo.); Göttingen
Jurgen Troe

Keele Research Group, 1961 to 1988

1962 - 65
Colin James
2007 picture in Kamloops

Standing:Albert Platt, Ron Gutteridge, Peter Cashmore
Sitting: Dr. George Sedlar, Peter, Patricia
Kindly provided by Geoff. Millward

Ron Gutteridge, Dr. George Sedlar, Albert Platt, Peter, Geoff Millward, Patricia, Peter Cashmore, Dave Holmes

1973 - 74
Dr Eric Henderson
visiting us in Orsay, from Keele

Peter, Patricia, Mike Pedley

Kevin Grant, Peter, Patricia, Mike Pedley

Peter, Patricia, Kevin Grant, Razmik Boodaghians

1981 Graduation
Peter, Patricia, Kevin Grant, Razmik Boodaghians

Patricia, Kevin Grant

Patricia receiving her degree from David Harrison

NRC Ottawa; Pat & Peter as visitors to
Gerhard Herzberg, Nobel Prize Winner

Dr Andy Hopkirk
at Daresbury

Patricia, Prof. Nathan Rich, Peter, Andy Billington, Dr Andy Hopkirk, Don Richards

Missing photographs

Peter, typing his thesis in Cambridge.

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Images: scanned negatives and prints; reduction: Photothumb